Workflow-Embedded Application Training = Effective Experiential ‘On-the-job’ Learning

Workflow-embedded training is best described as learning while doing.
Research indicates that enabling application end users to ‘learn while doing’ on-the-job is in fact more powerful than traditional learning approaches as the more contextual the learning is to the job or task, the more the individual needs – and is motivated – to learn to accomplish the job.
Workflow-embedded training recognizes that for learning to be effective, it must fit around and align itself to working days and work tasks. Rather than think of corporate training for the organization’s enterprise applications as learning to do, it’s now become learning while doing.
What’s more, embedded training in the flow of work can drive nearly three times the improvement in performance in individuals compared to other formal training approaches – all at a fraction of the cost.
Guidethrough is a workflow-embedded training platform.
It is the perfect platform to deliver screen guidance and content right when the individual is engaged in their work tasks, that is completely relevant to the task at hand (and nothing that is not), just in time and just enough.
Guidethrough is especially ideal for cases where you have:
- A large user base to train;
- Widely-dispersed users in a number of locations;
- Short lead-time for training delivery when rolling out new applications;
- Limited budget that precludes traditional training delivery methods;
- High user turnover rate meaning that it is difficult to train new users in a timely manner after joining your organization.
Guidethrough guides users step-by-step through your applications. This means that your system users are learning while they are doing. It avoids the knowledge retention and high cost issues of traditional training methods and gets the work tasks done quickly and efficiently.
Try it for yourself and see how Guidethrough can enable Workflow-Embedded Application Training in your organization.
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