Guidethrough Digital Adoption Platform.

So what is digital adoption?
Digital adoption goes beyond simply deploying various software tools into your user’s workflow. It requires that they actually use them to their full potential.
This means using the full range of features offered by each of your software applications so that your users can maximize their impact.
Digital adoption then, means fully embracing the opportunities presented by – and maximizing the utilization of – the organizations digital tools & applications.
The dual goals of digital adoption is to both improve your employees’ workflow so that they can be more productive and to smooth your customer’s buying experience. Both of which will help you increase profits and gain a competitive edge.
Guidethrough’s live, in-application screen guidance walks users through each process, showing them step-by-step where to click, what to enter and how to move through each part of the process right to the end.
This is the most effective and low-cost way to quickly get your users using the full range of features in your applications to proficiency – digital adoption achieved.
Guidethrough is highly scalable at a fraction of the cost of high-touch methods, and our just-in-time guidance means that new users have the help they need, right when they need it and right where they need it – live in your applications.
Digital Adoption achieved. Perfect.
Try it for yourself and see how Guidethrough can help you achieve Digital Adoption in your organization.
digital adoption platform